Saturday, December 31, 2011
New Year
Just wanted to take a moment and wish all of you that read the blog a very Happy New Year. I will be sleeping through the big event because I will be working tomorrow. Have a great evening and please, please be careful so I can chat with all of you in 2012.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve and Forgotten Children
It starts early in the morning as we rise and prepare for a day of helping Santa deliver toys, food and blankets to folks who have much less than us.
Zach and I headed out to the Sunbreak Cafe in Auburn for breakfast leaving the house just before 6 am. We had a great meal and then headed down to the North Pole. This year it was a large warehouse in Renton, Washington. We were one of the first folks to arrive for the long day of the most enjoyable work you'll do all year.

Our head translator and Santa at work.

Our Head Elf at work.

The must have self shot of Zach and I

We had fun even though it got dicey once or twice. While our neighborhood visits are intended for a specific family, certain types of complexes can cause issues for us as people see us and realize that Santa it with us. Many young children will show up while we are waiting for Santa to return to the van. Luckily the organization has thought of this and provides us with extra toys to give out as well as some treats. We make an effort to meet those children and give some token even though they are not the primary reason we are there. If you stay out too long, you end up with hordes of kids so we have to be pretty quick.
Zach and I headed out to the Sunbreak Cafe in Auburn for breakfast leaving the house just before 6 am. We had a great meal and then headed down to the North Pole. This year it was a large warehouse in Renton, Washington. We were one of the first folks to arrive for the long day of the most enjoyable work you'll do all year.
There are lots of packages, boxes of food and other items staged to be loaded into small box trucks by volunteers. You could call it controlled chaos.
Once all the trucks are loaded we are given a short speech, orientation and we hit the road with our route in hand. We drove around 110 miles from Renton to Woodinville, Kenmore, Beacon Hill, Burien and SeaTac. All areas in and around the Puget Sound region. We are using rental type vans to carry the presents and Santa and his helpers ride in the comfort of Microsoft donated Connection Vans complete with driver and GPS. All I had to do was jump in the rental van with Zach and follow the green and white van.
Our head translator and Santa at work.
Our Head Elf at work.
Our crew at work
The must have self shot of Zach and I
We had fun even though it got dicey once or twice. While our neighborhood visits are intended for a specific family, certain types of complexes can cause issues for us as people see us and realize that Santa it with us. Many young children will show up while we are waiting for Santa to return to the van. Luckily the organization has thought of this and provides us with extra toys to give out as well as some treats. We make an effort to meet those children and give some token even though they are not the primary reason we are there. If you stay out too long, you end up with hordes of kids so we have to be pretty quick.
A good time was had by all and it certainly gives you an appreciation for all the family, friends and things that you have and makes you less willing to wish for meaningless stuff. We all had smiles on our faces as we returned but wonder what will become of the families we visited.
I hope each and everyone of you are having a Joyous Holiday season and unlike so many politically correct folks....I will wish you a very Merry Christmas and may God Bless you in your travels this coming year.
I hope each and everyone of you are having a Joyous Holiday season and unlike so many politically correct folks....I will wish you a very Merry Christmas and may God Bless you in your travels this coming year.
Friday, December 23, 2011
One More Day
One more day until the weekend. Luckily, this year, I get Christmas Eve off. Very difficult to do when you are in the retail business.
I will be picking up my grandson tonight. Tomorrow we will get up early and have breakfast at a Kent diner and then head to the North Pole (Renton, Washington). We will be helping Santa Claus deliver toys and food to Forgotten Children somewhere in the Puget Sound area. It is the first year that Zach is old enough to go out on truck. Usually we work in the warehouse loading trucks. Not this year. We are on the road driving a truck and delivering the goodies with Santa Claus. I'll post a blow by blow description with pictures Christmas morning.

Hope everyone is enjoying the season.
I will be picking up my grandson tonight. Tomorrow we will get up early and have breakfast at a Kent diner and then head to the North Pole (Renton, Washington). We will be helping Santa Claus deliver toys and food to Forgotten Children somewhere in the Puget Sound area. It is the first year that Zach is old enough to go out on truck. Usually we work in the warehouse loading trucks. Not this year. We are on the road driving a truck and delivering the goodies with Santa Claus. I'll post a blow by blow description with pictures Christmas morning.

Hope everyone is enjoying the season.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Home and Grandson's Birthday
We made it home safe and sound from our short trip to Portland. We are both still suffering slightly from the effects of the cold I brought into the house. So, as we expected, our plans did change on Saturday evening.
Our daughter, grand daughter and family friend went over to babysit baby James so our son and his wife could attend her company Christmas party. Mia spent a quiet night at home making cookies, doing puzzles and resting. Zach and I went to the Seattle Thunderbirds game last night. To say the least, it was a real disappointment. Going into the third period with a three point lead, the Tri-City team scores five unanswered goals in the third period, four in the first six minutes, to win the game. Tough to watch but not too unusual for a Seattle based team. After the game we came back to the condo so grams and I could give him his birthday present.
Remember I said we couldn't leave Powell's book store without buying something. Well that something was for Zach. A little background. Zach has been obsessed with any and all things related to the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens since he was a very young child. In fact, at 10 he could likely tell you more about the eruption and the incurring aftermath than some geologists. He has had an unabiding interest in all things geological since being a young boy. When we go on hikes, he studies the landscape, examines the rocks and gives us a short report of what he sees.
His dream is to become a Volcanologist. These are the folks that study ever thing related to volcanic eruptions. He is doing well in school and seems to want to make his dream come true. He has kept this same dream for several years and I see no loss of passion for his dream now that he is 16.
So, while searching through the stacks of books at Powell's we came across a book you don't see every day. In fact, I had never seen it before. 844 pages of charts, illustrations, pictures, formulas, chemical tables, timeline and effects of the May 18, 1980 event written by the U.S. Geological Survey. It was and amazing find and Mia and I immediately saw the benefit of getting it for Zach. If he truly wants his dream then why not give him something that will show him exactly what is required to reach his dream. So here it is.

We were expecting some excitement but we caught him flatfooted and speechless as he held the 8 pound book in his hand. I suspect he sat up very late to read last night.
We are looking forward to helping Forgotten Children on Christmas Eve and spending time with family and friends over the holidays.
Hope you are well and have a great holiday season.
Our daughter, grand daughter and family friend went over to babysit baby James so our son and his wife could attend her company Christmas party. Mia spent a quiet night at home making cookies, doing puzzles and resting. Zach and I went to the Seattle Thunderbirds game last night. To say the least, it was a real disappointment. Going into the third period with a three point lead, the Tri-City team scores five unanswered goals in the third period, four in the first six minutes, to win the game. Tough to watch but not too unusual for a Seattle based team. After the game we came back to the condo so grams and I could give him his birthday present.
Remember I said we couldn't leave Powell's book store without buying something. Well that something was for Zach. A little background. Zach has been obsessed with any and all things related to the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens since he was a very young child. In fact, at 10 he could likely tell you more about the eruption and the incurring aftermath than some geologists. He has had an unabiding interest in all things geological since being a young boy. When we go on hikes, he studies the landscape, examines the rocks and gives us a short report of what he sees.
His dream is to become a Volcanologist. These are the folks that study ever thing related to volcanic eruptions. He is doing well in school and seems to want to make his dream come true. He has kept this same dream for several years and I see no loss of passion for his dream now that he is 16.
So, while searching through the stacks of books at Powell's we came across a book you don't see every day. In fact, I had never seen it before. 844 pages of charts, illustrations, pictures, formulas, chemical tables, timeline and effects of the May 18, 1980 event written by the U.S. Geological Survey. It was and amazing find and Mia and I immediately saw the benefit of getting it for Zach. If he truly wants his dream then why not give him something that will show him exactly what is required to reach his dream. So here it is.

We were expecting some excitement but we caught him flatfooted and speechless as he held the 8 pound book in his hand. I suspect he sat up very late to read last night.
We are looking forward to helping Forgotten Children on Christmas Eve and spending time with family and friends over the holidays.
Hope you are well and have a great holiday season.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Away From Home Again
We are waking up in overcast Portland, Oregon after spending an evening at one of our favorite places to stay, The Governor Hotel near downtown. We have been impressed with the service in this historic landmark hotel from a previous visit.

We are in Portland because I came down yesterday to attend a manufacturer meeting and take a tour of our brand new parts warehouse that will supply us with parts for one of the brands we sell. The facility is huge, eight football fields under one roof serving 130 dealers with 20 warehouse employees. It is a very efficient operation.
We spent the afternoon walking around downtown and went to Powell's Bookstore. A huge, block square, book store that you could spend days in. They have it all. Great place and as usual we didn't leave without buying something.
Last night we went to dinner at Jake's which is in the corner of the lobby of the hotel. We had a very nice meal and excellent service from the staff. We had not eaten in this establishment before but were very impressed. I would save it for a special occasion. It isn't real expensive but it can add up with all the add ons. I have spent more for a meal and been less satisfied.
This morning we are going to have our morning meal at Kenny and Zukes just a short walk from the hotel. Do you like pastrami? These guys are open at 7:00 o'clock AM during the week to serve up some yummy meals. Their pastrami is cured 7 days, smoked 10 hours, steamed for 3 hours & hand-sliced just for you. With advertising like that, how can you pass up an opportunity to enjoy. We first found them on a previous trip to Portland and wanted to purchase some of their wonderful pastrami to go but had lunch and never made it back. This time we will be taking some to go.

The weekend is shaping up. We had hoped to help our son and babysit our latest grandchild but it appears that with both of us suffering from head colds and baby James only wanting his two front teeth for Christmas, our Saturday evening plans may have changed. My older grandson wants to go to a hockey game, so maybe I'll hook up with him and what the Thunderbirds. Sunday might be baking time depending on how we feel. Butterhorns, refrigerator cookies....yummmm
From the blogs I have been reading it appears that everyone is doing fairly well and looking forward to the holidays with family and friends. Except for a persistent cough and runny noise we are doing the same.
Be good.

We are in Portland because I came down yesterday to attend a manufacturer meeting and take a tour of our brand new parts warehouse that will supply us with parts for one of the brands we sell. The facility is huge, eight football fields under one roof serving 130 dealers with 20 warehouse employees. It is a very efficient operation.
We spent the afternoon walking around downtown and went to Powell's Bookstore. A huge, block square, book store that you could spend days in. They have it all. Great place and as usual we didn't leave without buying something.
Last night we went to dinner at Jake's which is in the corner of the lobby of the hotel. We had a very nice meal and excellent service from the staff. We had not eaten in this establishment before but were very impressed. I would save it for a special occasion. It isn't real expensive but it can add up with all the add ons. I have spent more for a meal and been less satisfied.
This morning we are going to have our morning meal at Kenny and Zukes just a short walk from the hotel. Do you like pastrami? These guys are open at 7:00 o'clock AM during the week to serve up some yummy meals. Their pastrami is cured 7 days, smoked 10 hours, steamed for 3 hours & hand-sliced just for you. With advertising like that, how can you pass up an opportunity to enjoy. We first found them on a previous trip to Portland and wanted to purchase some of their wonderful pastrami to go but had lunch and never made it back. This time we will be taking some to go.

The weekend is shaping up. We had hoped to help our son and babysit our latest grandchild but it appears that with both of us suffering from head colds and baby James only wanting his two front teeth for Christmas, our Saturday evening plans may have changed. My older grandson wants to go to a hockey game, so maybe I'll hook up with him and what the Thunderbirds. Sunday might be baking time depending on how we feel. Butterhorns, refrigerator cookies....yummmm
From the blogs I have been reading it appears that everyone is doing fairly well and looking forward to the holidays with family and friends. Except for a persistent cough and runny noise we are doing the same.
Be good.
I stole all the pictures above from other websites...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I Had High Hopes
I had high hopes that I might actually slip through this years cold and flu season unscathed. Doesn't look like that is going to happen. Thursday afternoon I started to feel something strange in my throat and sinuses and wham, Friday I was hit full on with a nice head cold. I came home last night and went to bed early hoping to get some much need rest but alas it wasn't to be. I woke up at 10:30 pm and my throat was on fire and felt like it was closing. I got up and came downstairs and spent the remainder of the night wishing my throat would stop hurting. It felt like it was closed slightly and swollen. It was a long night with a lot of chills and very little of the needed sleep. This morning, while I don't feel good, at least my throat seems to be better. Now it is a head/upper chest cold and I feel a little off center. The good is the weekend and I don't have to do much.
I couldn't drag myself up and out to look at the lunar eclipse so I'll have to wait until 2014 to see the next one.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
What Weekend
My first weekend off in some time and it seems like it is ending too fast. Wow the time flew by.
We drove to Gold Bar yesterday. When we left Federal Way it was 33 degrees outside. By the time we got to Gold Bar it was 31 degrees. We pulled into the lot and immediately noticed that the park had cut down two alder trees at the start of the drive. Believe me when I say we are in no way upset over the missing trees. Not only do they dump a lot of leaves on the lot they are dangerous and a threat to fall over. Not surprising to find we now seem to have more light on the lot.
We got out of the truck and walked over to the trailer. The trailer was wet just like the last time we were up to check it. The only difference, this time the wet was a sheet of ice on the trailer and not water. The water had frozen on the trailer including the roof. So cleaning the pine needles would have been impossible and I wash't real big on putting the cover over all that ice. So, we left the trailer the way we found it and went out to lunch. We pretty much wasted yesterday afternoon.
We went to the store this morning and started to put up our Christmas decorations and the tree. Now that we are done with all that we are sitting down and enjoying some quiet time before bed and back to work.
Christmas is coming and my grandson and I will be helping with Forgotten Children on Christmas Eve. More about that later.
Hope you are all doing well and warmer than us. It is getting cold again tonight.
Friday, December 2, 2011
A Week End Off
Wow....I actually get the weekend off. It has been two months since I last said that. I am so looking forward to the time I'll spend with my lovely wife and my grandson as we attempt (barring rain) to go to Gold Bar, clean the needles off trailer and install that nice new cover we bought for the old trailer two years ago and never used. It should be an adventure.
As I drove home tonight, Mt Rainier was out in all her glory. Beautiful sunlight falling over her snow covered peaks. It always happens when I don't have my camera with me. It was fantastic and overwhelming to see.
In a previous post I said I thought Christmas music before Thanksgiving was a bit much. Well Thanksgiving is gone, inventory is done and it is time to enjoy family and friends. Now I want to hear Christmas music, classics, country, folk, and every other kind you can find. Leroy the Red Neck Reindeer....heard it on the way home...along with Santa Claus Is Comin' (In A Boogie Woogie Choo Choo Train) by the Tractors and Alabama singing Angels Among Us....I really enjoy Christmas. Hope everyone is looking forward to the rest of the season.
Have a great weekend.
Have a great weekend.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Inventory and Ramblings
Well the big day came and is over. I just got home after completing another annual physical inventory of our parts department. I was slightly apprehensive but then I usually am, however everything came out okay and we can start the New Year and make some changes to try and turn the department around an gain some market share. At this point I am tired (exhausted) but satisfied.
The Apple Cup was last night between the Washington Huskies and the Washington State Cougars and my Huskies pull out another win. Off to a bowl as soon as someone figures out where we will play.
Have a great week
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Giving Thanks
I have to give thanks for a whole bunch of stuff however the weather isn't going to be one of them. I guess I should give thanks to the weather because I did get up this morning, but why does it have to be so gray and stormy on such a wonderful day.
Okay....I am thankful that I got up this morning. I am thankful for God. I am thankful for my parents who lived their whole lives in this wonderful country and managed to raise two fine upstanding children.
I am very thankful for my lovely wife of over 40 years who has put up with all kinds of agony and defeat over the years but still manages to stand by my side. I am thankful for my wonderful kids, who, despite their fathers early attempts to ruin them, actually turned out to be two excellent friends, spouses, and parents who are compassionate, considerate and involved individuals.
I am thankful for three wonderful grandchildren. My grandson who is very articulate, compassionate, considerate and caring even though he would say he is a redneck. My granddaughter who shares many of the attributes of my daughter. And my new 8 month old grandson who has a wonderful personality that just beams with joy.
I am thankful that I have a job. As much work as it is the alternative is not a good thing.
I am thankful that I live in a country that allows freedom of expression. A country that allows individuals to explore inside the borders without reprisal. I am thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. I thank all of those individuals and families who have given so much over the years to ensure we continue to enjoy freedom.
I will spend the afternoon with my family. The only thing that would make it a little better would be the weather that
appear to be enjoying.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday Rants
As promised I did very little yesterday. I did get up and install a weatherstrip around the outside of the garage door in the mid morning. There was nothing much to do so I went out into the thirty degree weather to install this stripping. Probably should have waited for warmer weather but it is installed and the draft seems to have disappeared.
Watched the Oregon Beavers defeat my Huskies yesterday. However, there was a major meltdown in college football yesterday and the BCS is going to be in shambles as several ranked teams got upset yesterday including Oregon, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Clemson and Florida State. The Ducks like to make fun of the Huskies and a lot of what they say is true. They compare their "elite" Ducks to our "middle of the pack" Huskies. I don't see Oregon on the list of National Championship Teams. While we are mentioned once, we do share the title with Miami. The Ducks have gotten close. Now they know what it is like to be a sports fan in Seattle. We always seem to get close and then drop the ball....
Had a great time with my grandson and his friend at the hockey game last night. It was the first time we had gone in some time. Seattle out played Portland and won the game 6 - 3. There were several Portland fans (player girlfriends) in our section. Zach was wild and crazy as he normally is at these events. His friend held out until the third period. She seemed a little embarrassed at the beginning but he managed to get her up clapping and screaming during the late moments of the game. As we left the stadium the Portland bus was waiting outside, warming up (it was around 29 degrees) for their overnight trip to TriCities. I think they just wanted to get the heck out of town.
Today will be another lite day. I found our granddaughter spent the night last night so we will need to take her home and do our weekly shopping later this afternoon. After that, NOTHING but R&R......note the word NOTHING...of course the wife isn't up yet, so things may change.
I have been watching my Sunday morning shows and I don't think I am going to have much trouble wrapping my head around the idea I wrote about in my post yesterday. On CBS Sunday Morning there is a piece about people who are effected by the economy. Yesterdays givers are todays users of the food banks. I want to be okay when I retire. I want my wife to not have issues to worry about. So my head will soon be straight and I'll move on to the next level.
Have a great Sunday, I just looked outside and it is snow yet. It is 26 degrees and frosty.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Weekend Off, Rants, Catching Up
For the past couple of weeks I have worked really long hours with only one day, Sunday, off each week. Add to that the change from daylight savings time and I was leaving and getting back home in the dark. A quick bite to eat and off to bed for another day starting six hours later. I decided to take this weekend off as I am staring at working non stop Monday through December 2nd. It is inventory time of the year and we will be taking our annual physical inventory the Sunday after Thanksgiving. And yes, I will, likely spend some time in the store on Thanksgiving day.
So my big plans for the day are basically nothing. I don't plan to get to exited to do anything. I plan to lay back and enjoy the day. The Huskies have taken their act to Beaverton to play the Oregon Beavers so I will likely watch the game on my television. It starts at 12:30pm Pacific Time.
This evening I am to attend a Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey game in Kent, Washington with my grandson, Zach, some of his friends and my daughters friends father. I am looking forward to the game. It is with archival Portland and it will be my first game this year. I think I have told you that my boss owns a minority portion of the team and attends most weekend at home games. Zach really gets into the game and has won a ride on the Zamboni and I suspect he will be wild and crazy again tonight as he has already said he wants to win the ride.
My lovely wife will be taking our granddaughter to see Happy Feet Two. I am sure they will have a great time.
Now the rant. I think I might understand some of what the folks from Occupy Everything are trying to accomplish or point out but I have to remark on their process. How the heck do the expect to win backers and sympathy for the movement by blocking traffic during rush hour? Who thought it would be a good idea to block an intersection in a neighborhood that already difficult to get around.
And the mayor of Seattle apologizes for the use of pepper spray in a much publicized attempt to clear the group out of a two month encampment. Why? Everyone was warned nationwide that the establishment was going to move on the encampments. The afternoon it happened, several radio stations warned their audiences to stay clear of the area. Since when does the fact you at 84 years old give you the right to break the law? Review the use of pepper spray, as well as police tactics, maybe. What are we going to leave the officers sworn to protect us to use against unruly crowds? The amount of whining and hand wringing after a police incident is getting ridiculous. Police officers are human. They make mistakes. But don't take away their chance to protect us and themselves.
And finally, after a review of everything and all of the possible scenarios I have been left with a bitter fact. No retirement or trip until I reach 68. It will be three years from February of next year. I got to get my head wrapped around this one. It could be very depressing.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Home, Safe and Sound
What a day. I woke up at 3am this morning and looked out to see the wind blowing leaves around as the rains came down in buckets. I stayed up and made coffee and read the morning paper online prior to watching Meet The Press. I ended up drinking two small pots of coffee before the wife got up around 8am. I made oatmeal with nuts, brown sugar and butter, finished my coffee and went upstairs to get ready for the day.
By 9am we were loaded up and heading up to Gold Bar to check out the trailer. We arrived at the lot and found the trailer and the lot covered with leaves and needles. It appears that most of our neighbors have packed up, covered up and left for the season. We got out and examined the trailer and the water stand pipe to ensure that our neighbors had properly closed everything so the stand pipe doesn't freeze over the winter. Looking at the windows from the outside we had some concerns about condensation as we entered the trailer. While the dehumidifier was not running it was obvious that it had been and things appeared to be dry. We checked the inside of each window and found the condensation was actually on the outside of the windows. The insides are perfectly dry as the rest of the unit. We emptied a minor amount of water for two weeks. I was genuinely surprised and happy to find it in really excellent condition.
We left Gold Bar and drove to Mt Vernon to visit my step-mom. We arrived around noon and stayed until after 3pm. We had not been up to see her for some time and we had a lot to catch up on. I am happy to see that someone else has entered her life and her friends continue to support her as she moves forward. She is doing very well and Mia and I are very happy for her.
After a long drive home, shopping at Walmart, we ate pizza. I could have done without the overhead Christmas music at Walmart (I think it is just a little early). Oh well, they must celebrate Christmas in Arkansas a little earlier. I remember a different time and while children anticipated Christmas, we didn't make it visible until the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Have a great week
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Mac, Gold Bar, Mt Vernon
So I finally figured out what I used as a password for my Qwest gateway and was able to get the Mac to attach itself to the internet. I have to say that there are some very big differences between the Mac laptop and the HP laptop. There is definitely going to be a learning curve for this old guy, but I suspect I will get the hang of it. I need to get me a copy of Windows Office for Mac. My son tells me it is something I will be happy that I have. Except for the keyboard I can't find anything wrong with this new machine. The keyboard is a little weird with no ten key and it seems to be smaller. What is really neat? I can sit in the dark with the fireplace the only light in the room and because the keyboard is back lit, I can see what I am doing in the dark. This might be a first!
Next thing I need to learn is how to save pictures from the internet so I can load them here. Copy and paste doesn't work the same.
Tomorrow we leave early for a long road trip. It is my only day off so we plan to go to Gold Bar and check the trailer, removing water from our bucket. Then off to Mt Vernon to visit my step mom whom we have not seen for some time.
I am hoping my lovely wife will share the majority of the driving duties tomorrow.
Hope everyone is well and happy and enjoying the warmth if you are down south. Up here...cold, dreary, rainy, and possibly snow...Wow, already a weird year.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mac Pro Laptop, Driving and ??
So we decided to get a new laptop from Apple. We have been considering it for sometime and our new 15" Mac Pro showed up today. Unfortunately I am still typing my blog on our PC from HP because for the live of me, I cannot remember the password to the ACTIONTEC system that I installed. Looks like I'll have to go digging to find it.
As I went forth this morning it was later than normal. I usually get up very early and take off for work before there is traffic. Today I waited and went by to pickup my new glasses. I left Federal Way for the 26 mile drive to work around 8:17am. As I drove over the highways and byways between here and work I was really surprised at how many folks stuck in traffic were busy texting or calling someone. I will admit to some distraction. I was listening to Radio Classics on Satellite radio. Think it was Philip Marlowe. Anyway it took over an hour to get to work. I don't see how people do this everyday.
Rest in Peace Joe Frazier.
Jealous???? Hell Yes
I see all the posts from those of you who are in the southern half of our great country enjoying sun and moderate warmth while we have cold, rainy, windy, dark and dismal days. I am so jealous and ready to hit the road that it is unreal. Unfortunately some of the places I want to visit will have to wait until summer but Arizona, Utah, New Mexico sound pretty nice to this Seattle dwelling individual.
Have a safe Tuesday
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Updates and Ramblings
So, I haven't posted anything recently, primarily due to work, work, work. I just finished a long six day work week with most days exceeding 11 hours. Makes an old guy tired. So, I am kind of taking the day off and relaxing around the condo.
I came home after a long day yesterday and decided to watch the Huskies last game at Husky Stadium before the big remodel. It had to be the Oregon Ducks and of course, we had to hand them the game. Had we not turned the ball over three times the outcome may have been very different. They might have actually had to play to win. As it was, we gave them three easy scores and that took care of any chance for us to upset them and give the stadium a more positive send off.
I actually thought about going up to the trailer and trying to install the cover today. When I got up after turning my clock back an hour, I found 25 degree weather and a lot of white frosty covered stuff outside. The sun came out and it has been dry all day and likely would have been the perfect day to go up and get that little project done, but I just didn't have it in me to drive all the way up there. We are going to visit my step mom out of town next Sunday and we will drive by the trailer and make sure the bucket isn't overflowing.
I was saddened to hear that Andy Rooney had passed away. He complained about everything and everyone but he never made any excuses for it and he was fun to listen to and often gave you something to think about.
Our friend Cynthia came home from the hospital on Saturday and she seems to be doing much better. Still weak but she is well on the road to recovery.
We didn't win the lotto, so I still have to go to work tomorrow. Mia was really disappointed as she had spent all the winnings.
Nothing much else to reports.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Early Up, Lots Of Driving
Last night the Washington Huskies ensured themselves of a Bowl appearance in a not so pretty win over the Arizona Wildcats. A win is a win and we'll take it. Now 6 - 2 overall and 4 - 1 in conference play. The Oregon Ducks loom ahead next Saturday and the Dawgs are currently 16.5 point underdogs. We haven't been there before! Three years ago this team was 0 - 12 and it was really tough to be a Husky fan. Not so much anymore!
This morning we got up early and drove up to Gold Bar to see how the trailer was doing after our adventures in winterizing last weekend. As you'll recall, Zach and I cleaned all the leaves off the lot and washed the roof and the rest of the trailer. When we left it was all clean an pretty. A little wet but as it had rained during the night, but it was okay. We had put the dehumidifier inside the trailer and ran a drain tube into a bucket. Our primary reason for going was to see if the dehumidifier had done its job.
We opened the door and found the trailer air very dry and the dehumidifier wasn't running but there was water in bucket which we emptied. It I looked like we might have to go up about once a month to keep flooding from occurring.
We left and had some lunch in Monroe and headed over to our sons house. He was having a kiddies Halloween party with lots of other babies. We had a ball and left around three to come home and do some shopping. Now just sitting here exploring the Internet before watching 60 minutes and seven.
Hope you are having a great day and enjoy the week.
Be careful out there.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Took the day off today because I am scheduled to work next Saturday.
Instead of wasting the day, I made appointments to get some medical concerns addressed.
First of all, I got my annual Flu Shot. Didn't even realize she put the needle in my arm. She was great.
Next I went to have my eyes examined. I needed an adjustment to my prescription and they noticed some slight clouding on both my eyes. Seems I have the start of cataracts. Great, just when I am a couple years from retirement and plan to drive a lot. Oh well, apparently I don't need to be too concerned.
After lunch I went to visit my doctor. Lately I have been having an issue with taste. Seems like a simple thing but my taste just seems weird and I can't really describe the feeling or how it tastes but things don't taste right. They took xrays of my nasal passages, for what I don't know. Nothing was found so I have been referred to an eyes, ear, nose and throat specialist. So I have to call for an appointment tomorrow.
Back to work tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
Hope the beginning of your week is good.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Updates And What's Up
First of all, let me tell you that our good friend seems to have overcome whatever landed her in the ICU of our local hospital. She has been taken off the machines and moved to a room down the hall. While she is really weak, she has got to be better off that she was the past couple of weeks. The doctors have run several tests and really can give a conclusive answer as to why she ended up in ICU in the first place.
We started the weekend with grand plans to go to Gold Bar and winterize our trailer. We left Saturday morning after picking up our grandson. He went along to give me a hand with the projects that needed to be done. Unfortunately I awoke at 3AM Saturday morning and could not go back to sleep, so by the time I drove to Gold Bar, all I wanted was something to eat and a short nap. I got both.
After my nap and during a fairly heavy rain squall, Zach and I went outside to get some work done. The plans included having the trailer dry enough to install a cover we bought from Camping World last year. I got up on a ladder to inspect the roof and found it covered with leaves and pine needles. So I got out all of my instruments for washing the trailer and proceeded to clean the roof as well as the rest of the unit. While I was doing that, Zach busied himself cleaning the leaves of the gravel on the lot pad with a leaf blower. I washed the whole trailer and rinsed it. We put away all the stuff we got out and went into the trailer just before dark. I was pretty wet.
It continued to rain through the night. We watched some of the Husky/Stanford game and realized it wasn't in the cards for the Huskies. At 8PM PBS was showing an old movie from the Thin Man series so we sat down to watch it. Released in 1936 it starred William Powell and Myrna Loy as a couple who wise crack their way though a murder investigation. Absolutely one of my favorite series from the early days of movies. This series was done before I was born, the last one being done the year I was born, however, I noticed my teenage grandson laughed just as much as I did and in the very same places. I thought that was interesting.
It continued to rain through the evening and in fact rained so hard at one point, we had to turn the TV up so we could hear it over the noise on the roof. I went to bed hoping it would be sunny in the morning.
We awoke to no sun in the morning so we emptied the hot water heat, turned off the propane, emptied the tanks, disconnected the hoses, filled everything with antifreeze, set up the dehumidifier, open all the cabinets, removed the paper and laundry and closed it up. We didn't install the cover because it was still too wet. We came home and it has been sun shining ever since.
We went to visit our friend in the hospital, checked out the Verizon store (really confused now)
and came home to have some dinner and enjoy the rest of our Sunday.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
Take care out there..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Friend and Phones
Well our friend is still in ICU at our local hospital and not doing much better that she was when we last visited her last Sunday. My better half visited her earlier to day and was heartsick as she explain our friends condition to me when I got home tonight. It is so sad.
We are hoping to take a trip to Gold Bar this weekend to winterize the trailer, clean off the roof and put the big vinyl cover over it. I hope Zach is able to come with us.
So, I have a question regarding mobile smart phones. I have a regular cell phone and don't text. I was looking at getting a smart phone that allows internet access and supplies a hot spot. What phones are you using? What carrier are you with? What is your month bill? Do you like your phone and carrier?
Have a great day.....
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friend Is Stable
Just wanted to let you know that Cynthia is what doctors are calling, "stable". This is good news. Please keep her in your prayers and thank you for your efforts.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
A Day With My Son, Grandson and Football
We arrived at the campus early after a wonderful breakfast at Voula's on Northlake in the University area of Seattle. We each had an omelet of one kind or another and spent some time catching up as we waited for our meal to arrive. We ate and left to find parking. We ended up parking under Red Square at the campus. It affords us easy entry and exit and gives us the opportunity to walk across the campus as we head to the stadium.

I immediately took out my camera to take some pictures of the buildings and the landscape around the campus. I have more but I like these the best.

There are many ways to get to the stadium but here in Seattle one of the most popular ways is to take a boat. Tailgating on a boat looks like it might be fun. Hope all those boat owners have a designated driver because we spotted at least two police boats wandering through the maze.

The game started and it quickly became apparent that the Huskies might be competitive in the PAC 12. A 52-24 blowout brought a 5-1 record, 3-0 in PAC 12. Seven different players scored their seven touchdowns. The stats from the game.
Team Stats
Colorado Washington
First downs 17 31
Rushing 5 16
Passing 10 14
Penalty 2 1
3rd Down Efficiency 8-17, 47% 8-10, 80%
4th down efficiency 0-0, -% 0-0, -%
Rushes-Yards 27-62 40-295
Passing Yards 207 267
Return Yards 136 98
Completions-Attempts-In 22-38-0 23-30-0
Sacks-Yards Lost 5--47 1--7
Punts 6 2
Punts-Average 40.5 44
Fumbles Loss 0-0 1-1
Penalties - Yards 3-30 6-65
Time of Possession 29:23 30:37

Zach and Jeff enjoy the game.

I hope that you had as great a Saturday as is did......
I immediately took out my camera to take some pictures of the buildings and the landscape around the campus. I have more but I like these the best.
There are many ways to get to the stadium but here in Seattle one of the most popular ways is to take a boat. Tailgating on a boat looks like it might be fun. Hope all those boat owners have a designated driver because we spotted at least two police boats wandering through the maze.
The game started and it quickly became apparent that the Huskies might be competitive in the PAC 12. A 52-24 blowout brought a 5-1 record, 3-0 in PAC 12. Seven different players scored their seven touchdowns. The stats from the game.
Team Stats
Colorado Washington
First downs 17 31
Rushing 5 16
Passing 10 14
Penalty 2 1
3rd Down Efficiency 8-17, 47% 8-10, 80%
4th down efficiency 0-0, -% 0-0, -%
Rushes-Yards 27-62 40-295
Passing Yards 207 267
Return Yards 136 98
Completions-Attempts-In 22-38-0 23-30-0
Sacks-Yards Lost 5--47 1--7
Punts 6 2
Punts-Average 40.5 44
Fumbles Loss 0-0 1-1
Penalties - Yards 3-30 6-65
Time of Possession 29:23 30:37
Zach and Jeff enjoy the game.
I hope that you had as great a Saturday as is did......
Friend In Need and Football Saturday
We have a close friend in need of all the prayers you can muster. Cynthia Vice is in ICU at our local hospital and she is unable to do something we all take for granted.....breath. Please pray for her speedy recovery.
I picked up our grandson on the way home last night and he went with us to the hospital to visit the Tom Vice who is sitting in the waiting room devastated as his wife fights for life. I have to say that there is not a lot of good news about the younger generation but my 15 year old grandson makes me very proud. He could have stayed home but instead he chose to go and bring a smile to the face of someone in need. He had helped Tom and Cynthia earlier this year with some projects around their condo. I am so proud of him and the young man he is becoming.
Within the hour, Zach and I will leave to go pickup my son in West Seattle and we are off to find breakfast, tour the University of Washington campus and head to Husky Stadium for the game against Colorado. We are hoping for a win.
Pictures and more at 11......
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
It's Back
Last year we had one of the soggiest years on record here in the Puget Sound region of Washington State. Today we were reminded just exactly where it is that we live.
It grew dark and overcast as the wind picked up and had the trees dancing in anticipation. Then the roof opened wide and someone turned on the fire hose and a waterfall fell from the sky.
1.17 month to date for October. I have a feeling that we might be soggy again.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
John Denver
I just watched a PBS special on John Denver, the man, his life and music. Of all the singers that I really enjoy, I think I miss him the most. I could truly connect with what he had to say about the environment and the world we share.
Here is a link to a 1974 version of Rocky Mountain High....most everyone recognizes the song as soon as someone starts to play the opening guitar lick.
I know I have said it before and I really don't like NFL football but I am having football withdrawals because the Huskies, my favorite college team, had the weekend off. So the wife and I just came back from doing our Sunday errands and while waiting for lunch to get ready I have turned on the second half of the Seahawk football game. They are playing the New York Giants in the Meadowlands. And they have turned the ball over several times and now it appears that their quarterback has gone to the sideline and doesn't look promising for a quick return.
Went to Camping World to get a couple of items, visited Costco for another pumpkin pie and did our weekly shopping while we were out. Planning Chicken ala King with rice for dinner.
It is just after noon and with this much afternoon left I have some projects to work on. I need to measure the base around the new wood floor Zach and I installed last year. I found the baseboard I want to use and just need to figure out how much product I need.
Then there is the fog light install on the truck which needs to be finished by installing some supports, wiring and a switch. A little much for the afternoon since you can't depend on everything going exactly as planned.
I still have a couple of outdoor chairs that need some finish detail sanding and while we were out shopping I bought the Teak Oil I'll be using once I finish with the gritty stuff.
Think I'll just enjoy the game and head downstairs.
Have a great Sunday and thanks for dropping by.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Changing Plans
My wife has a luncheon to attend today and I had made plans to pickup my grandson and spend the afternoon working on some projects around the house not the least of which is the need to finish the fog light installation on the truck. Had it all planned out and he just called to tell me he is confining himself to his room today as he isn't feeling very good and there has been overnight issues that are too nasty to discuss in a family forum. Suffice it to say......he is sick.
So I will move on alone. We had planned to go to Gold Bar this weekend but when I came home last night Mia wasn't very interested in going and she said it was going to rain so I called Zach and made arrangements to do other stuff. Then the call came that he isn't doing well. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done around the house so I will get up and get to work after my next couple of cups of coffee and reading the news.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday and you team wins. Unfortunately, my team has a bye week.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A Visionary Lost
We have lost one of the worlds greatest visionaries. Lost to cancer, Steve Jobs was without doubt someone who had a vision of what consumers wanted, built it and presented it in a way that made us want it. I have never had the Mac or IPhone or IPad but I do own an IPod and I use ITunes. Now instead of tapes or discs I have a memory that stores 3,000 tunes and I can call up most any of them with ease. And it is stuff I want to listen too, unlike the stuff that gets air time on the radio.
It will be interesting to see how Apple goes with loss of Mr. Jobs.
He made it perfectly clear that you needed to find what it is you love doing and do it. If you weren't doing what you loved then you need to keep looking until you find it. Don't give up.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Great Day
I had a great day today and came home to have a great evening with my lovely wife. Dinner will be ready soon, followed by a piece of Costco pumpkin pie for dessert. It might be raining, dark and dismal outside, but it is warm, light, and great here in my living room.
Hope you had a great day.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Amazing Recovery
Surprisingly you can't keep a good person down....and Grandma is no exception. It is amazing the difference between this evening and last night. She is doing so go we went shopping at Costco after work tonight.
Have a great Tuesday..
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Mt Si with Grandma
Yesterday evening during the wedding our grandson reminded Grandma that he was planning on making the 4700 foot climb up Mt Si in North Bend. She got up early this morning and went over to pick up Zach and head off to the trail head.
At around 4pm as I noticed the weather was starting to turn bad (dark, cloudy and rain), i started to try and call people to see if anyone had heard anything from either of them. All I got was voice mail until Zach called me around 4:30pm and let me know they were nearly back down to the trail head. Grandma got home around an hour and a half later and she is not doing well. Lots of stuff hurts and she is thinking maybe it was a mistake.
Just going to have to support her and hope she gets better quickly.
Weddings and Football
Yesterday my wife and I attended the wedding of the son of a very close family friend. My son has been friends with the groom since we moved in next door to his family when he was four. His family became very close friends and I suspect they are a good portion of the reason we have a lot at Gold Bar. They had been there for years and kept trying to get us to join them. When the kids were young it was a fun family place. The wedding was wonderful and we wish the bride and groom the very best for years to come. It was a very long day for me as I was up at 2am to go to work and start the process of ending the month of September.
Unfortunately the Huskies had to play a late game yesterday. The wedding started at four and so did the game. Luckily others attending the wedding had various types of wi-fi phones and I was able to keep pretty good tabs on the game as it progressed. The Huskies came out victorious and are now 4-1-0. Very happy numbers if you are a Husky fan. Week after next my grandson, son and I will attend the Colorado game at the old Husky stadium for last time. Next year Husky stadium will be redone and the Huskies will play in the Seahawk stadium in the Sodo district of Seattle.
As a sports fan of a baseball team that has seen its share of ups and downs I have to somewhat sympathise with the fans of the Boston Red Sox team now officially eliminated for the run to the World Series for 2011. At least THEY made it to the playoffs. You should hear the banter about the Mariners here in Seattle. The manager of our team says he is "confident of the future of the Mariner organization". Where have I heard this before? Oh well, as most baseball fans will say, "there is always next year".
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I have loved music since I was a kid. My mother used to love to listen the classical music and especially loved to listen to MALE (not females) tenor singers. She had an expression for female singers that wasn't very nice and I really don't think I should post in on a family oriented blog.
I learned to listen to everything. I enjoyed classical and even took up the Viola in junior high. I enjoyed (still do) singing and stood in front of an audience and sang "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" in a grade school talent show. I sang in the school choirs and during church (when we went). I should tell you....I can't sing for beans. When I was younger (grade school) I had a high voice and could carry a tune but I never invested much time in studying or learning to sing. Did I stop, hell no. Ask my family, I still sing even though most agree, I can't. But I love the music...I really love the music. All kinds of music. I can listen to pop, rock, country, some rap, classical, classics, instrumental, blues, jazz and the list goes one. I love to sing along to a lot of different songs and I have always loved the singers who sing for the song and the singing. Those that use glitz, explosions, lights and all the extra stuff that fills stadiums doesn't really get me going. There are a few artists who do all this stuff that I do enjoy but I believe in the end they are truly in it for the music and the showmanship comes when they have to pay all those bills for all the equipment and people that move around the country with them.
I know, get to the point. Well my wonderful wife and I watched a movie the other night and I was impressed. Even though movie got stinky reviews and didn't do well in the box office it serve to remind me of times gone by. I am speaking of "Country Strong" a movie where a singer doesn't sing and the actors do. The acting is really thin but the story brought back some memories and made me remember that it used to be for the music. I really think that Gwyneth Paltrow was an alcoholic singer that has long forgot why she is doing what she does. Ms. Paltrow has a wonder voice. I offer this link as proof. She sings with Vince Gill at the 2010 CMA Awards Show.
But I digress as usual. What reminded me of the singer, his instrument and the music was a co star played by Garrett Hedlund. He plays a singer who is in it for the music and just enjoys singing in the bars and dives with no glitz. He gets roped into going on tour but is never really happy with decision. But the music he sings reminds me of singers gone by. Those that sit in a small auditorium and with their guitar in hand, make personal music for their audience. Don Williams, Ed Bruce (he was in Country Strong and didn't sing), Waylon Jennings, Bonnie Riatt, Bob Dylan, Sinatra just to name a few. Anyway, here is Garrett singing in the movie.
I love music...sorry to bore you to death with this stuff.
Off to do errands, clean up and go to a wedding..
Have a great Saturday
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Model Airplanes
If you enjoy model airplanes, take a look at the attached video......quite an accomplishment
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Customer Service
There have been some genuine compliants and issues with regard to customer service on recent blogs and then there are others that might not be the fault of the manufacturer or company and yet getting on a social network and complaining tends to give impression that the consumer has no fault for anything.
My business is built on customer service. The owner of our organization has never, not ever deviated from the statement, "the customer is always right". We carry it a step further, "the customer is always right, even when he is wrong". If our customer is standing next to a white car telling us he has a black car..HE HAS A BLACK CAR. We don't argue, but we also don't give him black touch up paint.
Are customers wrong? Yes. Do customers make mistakes? Yes. Do customers often use products outside the intended use? Oh Yes. But the customer is the customer and resolution that satisfies all parties is the only way to go. Customers who have had resolution to their issues and feel they were treated fairly will return to do more business with a company.
However, it is up to the consumer to contact the company and at least give them the opportunity to do something before jumping on a social network to expose the shoddy company practices. Some companies deserve it while others do not. If a company will not listen to and address your concern then by all means hit the social network.
And before you hit the manufacturer with one hundred percent of the blame, think about your complicity and the reason you are upset. Has anything you did caused the issue that has sparked you to be upset.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for dropping by....
Monday, September 26, 2011
Yesterdays Post
Some day I will learn to spell...64 years old and can't tell the difference between of and off...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Weekend Away
Our grandson, Zach wanted to go to Gold Bar and camp this weekend so we left Friday night, after dinner to drive up. We arrived shortly after sunset and set up the basic camp and unpacked. There was news that a certain satellite was due to enter the atmosphere and crash into earth somewhere in the Pacific Ocean off the Washington/Oregon coast. It is dark in Gold Bar. In some areas of the park (the ballpark area) it is really dark. There is an absence of light in the surrounding area so if you lay in the bed of your pickup truck you get a sky full of stars on a nearly clear night. We watched several satellite's cross the sky but none could be described as falling through the atmosphere. We finally went back to the trailer to enjoy the rest of the evening. The next morning we found out that it apparently landed sometime between 9pm and 1am and no one seems to know where. We can put a man on the moon and follow them through space but we can't figure out where a satellite fell to earth even after it made it through the atmosphere! Call me crazy, but I believe there is more to the story.
We got up Saturday morning and while Zach and Mia went for walks I attended the annual membership meeting in the clubhouse. Pretty much an uneventful meeting. We had lunch and went to see Brad Pitt's new movie, "Moneyball". This is not an action movie, but it is a good movie. If you like baseball, hell, even if you don't like baseball you'll like this movie. Got a chance to listen to the last half Huskie/California game with an outcome that I liked...Husky WIN. My son, grandson and I will be going to the October 15th game at Husky Stadium. Really looking forward to it.
Went back to the trailer and enjoy a peaceful but muggy evening. It has been rather muggy here the last few days. The all hell broke loose and we had a downpour of epic proportions. It rained hard most of the early morning hours and I awoke early and spent time reading my Kindle while letting Mia and Zach sleep in. Once everyone was up we came home, dropped Zach off and have been enjoying the afternoon with watching the Seahawks beat Arizona. Our son, Jeff and his wife, Emily and our six month old grandson James came for visit and we spent two hours making James laugh.
That's about it for look at that, the Seahawks won their first game of the year....
The next question...when to winterize and do I bring the trailer home or leave it in Gold Bar for the winter????
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tire Issues
I have read,with great interest, my fellow bloggers concerns and issues that have arose due to the experiences of this past weekend. Add to that the issues that have come up over at

Here we have the typical tire sidewall. For RV owners we are specifically interested in the Load Index and Speed Symbol. Each load index is capable of carrying X number of pounds, no more. If your trailer is designed to have a GVWR of 10,000 pounds, your tires had better be up to the weight your putting on them. You must determine which load rating is suitable for your application.
and and all kinds of safety issues pop up.
Cheap tires are just that, cheap tires. So if you are looking for tires for you truck, motorhome or travel trailer you should steer clear of CHEAP. Tires are rated for specific load levels and the manufacturer of your trailer and suspension system have determined what the maximum load of you trailer is. When loading the trailer do not exceed the trailer Gross Axle Weight Rating(s) (GAWR). Weigh the fully loaded trailer from time to time to verify that trailer GAWR and GVWR are not exceeded, and that the loads on the right-hand and left-hand wheels are approximately equal.
When replacing tires make certain you replace them with tires that either have the same load and speed rating or one that is capable of handling more weight than is needed. Here is a picture that I stole to give you an idea of what you are looking for.

Here we have the typical tire sidewall. For RV owners we are specifically interested in the Load Index and Speed Symbol. Each load index is capable of carrying X number of pounds, no more. If your trailer is designed to have a GVWR of 10,000 pounds, your tires had better be up to the weight your putting on them. You must determine which load rating is suitable for your application.
In short, the actual GVWR is one of the most important numbers you need to know. It is critical for getting the correct tires and maintaining them properly.
Most tire manufactures recommend keeping tires inflated to the maximum cold pounds per square inch listed on the side wall of the tire for the best performance. With maximum pressure the tire will perform better and wear better, and you get the advantage of better gas mileage. Reduce the psi, and you effectively reduce the functionality of the tire. Check your tire pressure often with a good quality tire gauge. You can't be overly cautious.
There are ultimately three keys to avoiding tire troubles while towing: Make sure your rig is equipped with the proper tires; (2) Maintain the tire meticulously; and (3) Replace trailer tires every three to five years whether they appear worn out or not.
After a blowout on a tandem-axle trailer, you should replace both tires on that side. The remaining tire was likely subjected to excessive loading and, as a consequence may fail in the near future.
Finally protect your tires when in storage. Off the ground if possible but at least on level well drained ground. Protect tires from UV rays from sunlight. And take as much load off as you can by unloading the trailer and draining the tanks.
My last comment on all of this...know your GVWR and adhere to it like you life depended on it. Staying within the Manufacturers Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is the single most important thing you can to do to protect yourself from possible frame, trailer or tire damage.
Have a great week
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Fog Lamp Install
Up Early, Big Loss
Up early waiting for my grandson to climb out of bed so I can fix my lovely wife, he and I breakfast. The Puyallup Fair is going on and while we have no plans to go, we decided to make the signature pastry that is served there for this mornings breakfast. Fisher Fair Scones served warm with butter (yes, real butter) raspberry jam, with little sausages and scrambled eggs. As soon as we are done with that, I must clean the upstairs bathroom and then he and I are off to move stuff around in the garage, pull in the Silverado and work on installing the factory fog lights.
Yesterday the Huskies lost a tough game to the Corn Huskers. We were in the game all through the first half until the fatal miss call by the officials that gave the Huskers a chance to take the lead going into half time. We looked good in the second half until another official miss call gave the momentum to the opposing team and we went bye, bye. The Huskies are young and they will be fine. I have to say I am very impressed with Price the quarterback replacement for the supposedly best all time quarterback at UW, Jake Locker. Price has more presence and is able to see the field and make things happen when it looks like nothing is left. Some more practice and look out.
The WSU Cougars (the other college team in Washington) lost to San Diego.
The Mariners are now 63/88 after loosing to the Texas Rangers yesterday.
The Seattle Thunderbird hockey team was beat last night by the Portland Whitehawks in the last preseason game.
Sounders Soccer Team won 3-0 if you like soccer.
Saturday was not a good day for a Seattle sports fan.
The Seattle Seahawks play in Pittsburgh this morning. The official who made the bad call against us in our only Super Bowl appearance (against Pittsburgh) is supposed to be the official at this game. Should be interesting.
Enjoy your Sunday
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I am a sports fan. It is hard to be a sports fan in Seattle.
The Mariners looked promising at the beginning of the year but at 61W and 87L it doesn't appear that the promise will reach fruition. I love the Mariners and would love to see them do something more, like win the World Series.
Then there is the Seattle Seahawks. I have to admit to not being a big professional football fan. I watch and get on the bandwagon if and when they do something really great. But it doesn't happen very often and frankly it is tough to watch. Over the years they have been fun to watch at times but just not very consistent.
I am not a big basketball fan, but I did watch the Sonic's when they were here. I hear the Seattle Storm women's basketball club is very good but I have never sat and watched a game.
Then there is the Seattle Thunderbird WHL Hockey team. Fun to watch, but the season hasn't quite started yet. Another 8 or 9 days before the opener against their arch rival the Portland Winterhawks.
My college team is the Washington Huskies and at one time they were a powerhouse and there was a definite swagger to the walk around Seattle. Not so much anymore. While we are 2-0 so far this year we are facing a very difficult schedule starting with this weeks contest in Nebraska. If you have never been to Lincoln, Nebraska on a football weekend you're in for a shock.
Friday afternoon the town turns red. Everything turns red. People dress in red right down to their socks. Stores and bars display red. You walk through a sea of red and across the campus to get to the staduim. The staduim is huge. Not big, HUGE. It seats roughly 85,000 people per game. Husker football is big. The last time we went to Nebraska we were slapped around 56/21. But we both made an appearence in the Holiday Bowl last year and the Huskies managed to beat Nebraska 19/7. I would love to be 3 - 0 at the end of the day on Saturday but our team is fairly young and many likely haven't seen anything like what they will see when they enter the "cathedral". If the stars don't get in their eyes, we have a chance....
Zach and I will be enjoying this weeks football fare and Sunday we'll remove the bumper from the Silverado and install fog lights. I'll be sure to document our progress in pictures.
Hoping you have a great weekend and your team wins.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Here I Am
Well, life does go on and it has been a very busy last few weeks. I would bore you with the details but since I don't want to think about a lot of what has happened, I have no to plans to rethink and write about anything other than the more positive recent history....the weekend.
Our future geologist spending time enjoying the granite.

A sandstone face left sitting on the rocks under a small waterfall

Enjoying the view near the top of where we went.

We picked up our grandson, Zach, on Friday night and drove to Gold Bar to spend the weekend at the trailer. I had this grand idea that we should try to find
Lake Isabel. This alpine lake is located up the hillside (mountain) from Reiter Pit just outside the park. We left at 8:20 am and took off hiking through the park, out the motorcycle gate into the DNR property under the power lines that stretch across the landscape from east to west. We walked until we came to a cross road and turned left towards our up hill march. We are at 192 feet above sea level at this point and looking forward to a climb that have us changing our elevation by 2378 feet. We get to a branch in the road and apparently make a major error by turning right instead of left.
Our future geologist spending time enjoying the granite.
As we proceed up what looks like an old logging road we climb steeply and walk through a gate. I don't remember anyone mentioning a gate on the way to the lake but they do mention two switchbacks and we definitely had those. We end up at another branch in the road and after investigating in both directions we discover we have reached a dead end. One direction we can go boulder climbing....not happening. The other direction leads to a sign that states, "This is not a trail, violators will be prosecuted". We stop going that direction. I suspect it could be a trail to a fire watch station. We turn and walk back down the hill (mountain). Physically near the end we press on until we return to Gold Bar at around 1:40 pm.
A sandstone face left sitting on the rocks under a small waterfall
Enjoying the view near the top of where we went.
If you really want to embarrass yourself, go on a hike with your 15 year old grandson and experience humility. I was absolutely exhausted when we returned to the trailer. After a short respite we went to the family pool and spent about an hour floating around in nice cool water. It felt so good against weak muscles.
Zach gets to the highest location...A nice rock...Looking like Red Dawn
It is a day later and I really don't feel all that bad. Not a lot of pain anywhere. It was hot while we were hiking and that was draining. We never did find the lake. Two attempts and two misses. Guess we'll have to try again. Just not sure about taking Zach.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I envy those who find time to download pictures and post on their blogs daily. I wish I had that much to show or say.
How many use Groupon or coupons in your daily dealings with business?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Skykomish, Cars and Wood
Friday evening after a rather hectic and somewhat maddening week my grandson and I left and drove up to Gold Bar to our trailer in the woods. We had planned to stay and come back early Sunday morning as there is a picnic that I must attend with my wife in our condo complex. We enjoyed a peaceful Friday night, he with his friends in the park and me visiting friends and then reading a good book as I waited for him to return.
Saturday morning we left for Skykomish. A close personal friend is a wood turner and he was going to be demonstrating and selling his products at a car show. We drove up Highway 2 and about a mile past Skykomish. There were signs and two cute young ladies pointing the way to a long gravel driveway that wound down through the deep forest and came out into a large baseball field that was carved out of the trees. There were cars on the field and vendors along the tree line next to the kitchen facility with the river as a back drop.
Zach and I said hi to Fred and then went off to photo record some of the vehicles in the show. I'll post more about Fred later. Here are some of my favorite cars from the show.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Pictures of The Oregon Trail/Hell's Canyon Loop
The link below will take you to the pictures we took as we looped from La Grande around Baker City, across to Joseph and back to La Grande. A really fun trip, that really should take a couple of days. Just cut and paste to your browser. Be patient as it does take a few moments to load.
Previous Pictures
I tried to add tags to each photo in the previous post but none of them appeared to move from Picasa to the Blog. So I am still learning. Basically you see a lot full of units that are sold followed by a building that doesn't exactly say, "trailer manufacturer". Then you see the frame, they build their own. Inside for the first time we see the floor being built and installed on the frame. Then we move to the cabinet shop where they build all their own cabinets out of real wood. The next shot is a unit in progress with cabinets and some appliances installed. Electrical and plumbing are installed at this stage. On the larger trailers/fifth wheeler the walls are installed and you can see through the roof at this point. After the insulation is installed the roof is added and it begins to look done.
At another area are the wood framed units. Built the same until up to the walls. They have their own mill shop and each wall is built with in the factory. Once the wall is built and installed the wiring and plumbing are done just like with the bigger units. Then the roof and insulation. These trailers get the laminate side which is put on the trailer in one big chunk. Then a gentleman who is a master with a router cuts all the openings in the side before they staple the whole thing to the frame work.
The trailer then goes to the area to get all the trim, lights, chalking and details. All the time the work is being inspected and rejected as required by some pretty tough inspectors.
Hope you enjoyed the trip.
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