Are you ready for this one? Over the years Mia and I have had several boats and RV's. Mia doesn't do well on the water. Something about the horizon line, motion and her stomach. Suffice it to say, that the years boats have become a not discussion point with us. But I got to thinking about boats and RV's. What kind of bang for your buck do you get in a boat verses and RV. This called for some research. To make it easy to understand I am going to stick with what I know and the size that would fit me and my pocket book.
As most of you know, we purchased a new 2011 Nash 25S trailer at the beginning of 2011. I am thinking you would need something like the Sea Ray 260 Sundancer to compare with. The Nash is 26' 11" and has a dry weight of 5050 lbs while the Sea Ray is 26' 7"weighing in at 6950 lbs dry.
2012 Sea Ray 260 Sundancer for sale | Lewisville, TX
The above link will provide you with some amazing pictures of a 2012 260 that will sell new for between 100 and 140k with no trailer. Keep in mind that we got our Nash for less that 25k.

Now consider that the boat doesn't come with a trailer. I can always put my trailer on a ferry and be on the water anytime. Most boat owners won't put their boats on a trailer and travel around the country staying in RV parks. I have a ton more storage in the trailer and I believe it is more convenient for those traveling with me. I can get up and to somewhere to read or write the blog and not disturb them. In the Sea Ray you don't have enough room to get away plus you are constantly moving bedding pads in an effort to have a dinning or sleeping area.
While the elements will mess with the trailer they are nothing compared to what happens to the boat especially if it is in salt water. If you haven't seen the results of three or four years in the salt water you should take a look at an older boat. It is amazing how fast stuff builds up.
We have solar power in addition to propane. Looking at the Sea Ray, I don't see any alternate power source and the stove and refrigerator are much smaller than most trailers. They both have the same issues when it comes to condensation. They have it. In fact if you have ever spent any time in a boat, overnight, on the water then you understand what I mean when I say damp.
So I will take the trailer any day, what to you think.