First of all, let me thank all the new followers for following. I have lost track of who has jump aboard the train but I do appreciate comments, especially since they let me know someone is reading.
In the past two or three days, both my wife and I have made the statement, "If only we had the balls". I currently have two years before I can retire with my full social security while she has another four years to go before she is eligible to get full benefits. Both of us would like to travel and I can see how I could put the two years between my retirement and hers to good use, getting the trailer (if we keep this trailer) outfitted, planning in detail the trips and any other things that need to get done before we leave.

Then we both said, "If only we had the balls". To sell everything and go full timing. There are security issues (we feel better having a place to come to) and we wonder what will happen when we are too old to drive or if we end up with a medical issue. Both of us have longevity in our families so we could conceivable live a good long time.
So I am curious...those of you who are full timing. What is your plan down the road? Did you consider the future when you left? We would greatly appreciate hearing your comments with regard to overcoming the obstacles that we seem to place in our way.